What We Do
United Academics Library
Open Access Library
How can you find open access papers? Simply look in our OA Library! We’ve searched high and low for scientific papers that are freely accessible, and we’ve stored them all in our easy-to-use database. You can even create a free account to save and store any and all relevant papers! Visit United Academics Open Access Library.
United Academics Magazine
Connect Science & Society
The UA Magazine’s goal is to make scientific research interesting and easily understandable for those of us without advanced degrees in Physics. From the human body and mind to the mysteries of space and physics, we bring science closer to the public. Visit United Academics Magazine.
United Academics Foundation
Advocate for Open Access
The UA Foundation promotes open access, and advocates for knowledge sharing. We believe that anyone, anywhere, should have access to the scientific knowledge that they need. Our mission is to unlock the knowledge held behind the multi-billion dollar paywalls imposed by the publishing industry. Visit United Academics Foundation.